CAN WE CONTROL THE WEATHER WITH OUR MINDS? Yes, with a little help from the Devas


Wayne Vyasa Purdin (1) Facebook -our guest on Mysticast told us DEFINITELY YES weather can be controlled by thought  because he has done it himself. 

Wayne, a spiritual practitioner for over 50 years studying with : Gurdjieff esoteric school, Transcendental Meditation, ascended master teachings (Summit Lighthouse, Hearts Center), Surya Yoga, and Shakti Yoga.

In this episode Wayne tells us how we can develop a relationship with the The Devic Kingdom - An Intro To The Spirits Of Nature ( and even how to call on their help in times of crisis.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the similarities between Wayne’s experiences and that of Dr George King: Master Of Yoga & Founder Of The Aetherius Society who invoked a Storm Deva in order to prevent severe flooding in London England.The Devic Kingdom (Download) - The Aetherius Society 

The forces of nature around us are in fact living, breathing, conscious entities – the more basic types of which are sometimes referred to as fairies or elves. They operate from a physical realm of existence exactly dovetailed into our own, and are occasionally seen by psychic children and more experienced clairvoyants. Our relationship with these nature spirits – also known as devas – is essential for the balance of environmental conditions on Earth, making this a subject which is key to practical modern ecology. In this insightful and down-to-earth lecture, you will also learn how to feel the presence of these sacred entities yourself when in natural surroundings.

References: Wayne Purdin: books, biography, latest update

What we believe - The Aetherius Society

(1) Awakening through King Yoga | Facebook


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