Crystals and contacts

Casey Claar is an explorer of consciousness systems. An experiencer of conscious contact with extraterrestrial intelligence, and communications specialist.

She began practising yoga and meditation at the age of 12, becoming seriously devoted to the discipline in my late 20’s. The study of ancient texts, The Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and others led her to Shanakaracarya, Sri Ramana Maharshi and Jnana; to her inherent alignment with Self discovery and the idea of liberation within the lifetime, – also termed “ascension”, and more modernly the “3D/4D shift”. Teaching soon followed the years of study.

In 2009 came an Awakening; a spiritual “Kundalini” top-down awakening process ensued. At this time, a capacity—an innate ability to explore consciousness – systems, realities, worlds beyond our own is becoming a permanent part of my ground level life experience. Years [ 2009-2014 ] are spent, daily developing the ability. Shifting in full awareness into additional consciousness states, additional consciousness SPACE, — galactic, universal and elemental experience territories.

She regularly enjoys being out, exploring the shift itself, cultivating an intriguing capacity for holding what she calls “synchronous states”; being in many states-and-spaces at the same time. All this is culminating, bringing through the previously dormant capacity she now exhibits working together with the crystals, specifically as communication devices. 

 - - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - 

The Aetherius Society - 
The International Mystic Knowledge Center - 
IMKC youtube - 
Aetherius Radio Live - 
Spiritual Freedom Show -