FLOWERPOWER? The healing consciousness of plants


Our Mysticast Guest is Emma Farrell -Founder of the School of Natural Esoterics, the Plant Consciousness Apothecary. She is a plant spirit healer, shamanic teacher and author, has held plant diet retreats and ceremonies in England and Wales since 2016. https://www.plantconsciousness.com/ 

We discuss the similarities between her personal experiences working with what she calls plant spirits and the Aetherius Societies teachings on the Devic Kingdom.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the absolute belief that plants have a governing consciousness that we can communicate with and by working in loving collaboration will assist us to align and rebalance our bodies.

Jack recognised Emma as one of ‘The Thanksgivers’ from the Fifth Blessing and read the text out, as he did this Emma recognised herself and said how beautiful the words were.

The Twelve Blessings’ is a series of blessings to spiritual workers and great cosmic beings, incorporating profound wisdom – as well as some of the most beautiful prayers ever given to Earth.

When you read them, and especially when you make them a part of your everyday life, they will give you a deeper, more spiritual appreciation of our living cosmos’.

The Twelve Blessings - The Aetherius Society - - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - https://www.aetherius.org/ Aetherius Radio Live - https://www.aetherius.org/podcasts/ Spiritual Freedom Show - https://www.aetherius.org/the-spiritual-freedom-show/ King Yoga FB Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/awakeningthroughkingyoga The International Mystic Knowledge Center - http://www.mysticknowledge.org/ IMKC youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/MysticKnowledge