HOW CAN WE BE HAPPY IN TURBULENT TIMES? Simply by removing the blocks to healing


In our Mysticast conversation with Robbie Holtz co-author of the award-winning books read in over 44 countries, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, and Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening we explore the vitalMind Body Spirit connection for wellness.(

Robbie has had first-hand experiences with Outback Aboriginal Australians, participating in their healing ceremonies, she then joined Dr. Gary Holz, (her future husband) in teaching the over 60,000-year-old Aboriginal healing system, using Aboriginal healing principles, quantum physics and Psycho-Neuro-Immunology – healing the body through the mind.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the evidence that healing is a skill that can be learned by anyone who wants to help others. And the more determined you are to give spiritual healing, the better healer you will become. 

Like any skill, it helps to have a good teacher – especially one who is living proof of their teaching. Dr. King ( said in a lecture given in 1976 “ Some years ago I started to make quite a close study of different types of spiritual healing and I discovered, beyond any doubt that, number one, everybody had this so-called gift and, number two, most people did not practice spiritual healing because they did not know how to start. So I evolved a technique which would enable someone to make a start....

...Before this, ladies and gentlemen, the spiritual healing movement was still doing tremendously good work—but how? They couldn’t tell you how. They didn’t know how—or very few of them knew how. 

The spiritualist said it was some vague power from spirit. 

Other people said they had a gift from God. 

But nobody could come up and say well, of course, it works because of that, that, that and that. And it has to work”, released in 1976 by Dr. King, was a revolution in the spiritual healing movement. It includes step-by-step instructions for contact spiritual healing, self-healing and absent healing.

Further study;