HOW TO MANIFEST SUCCESS??? Visualisation and the flow of L-O-V-E energy


In our Mysticast conversation with internationally renowned performance and sport psychologist Dr. Saul, we discuss the similarities between the techniques used in training elite athletes and Master of Yoga, Dr. King’s advanced yoga techniques.

Dr. Saul Miller is the author of 10 books on performance, the most recent is: Winning Golf: The Mental Game describes techniques to enhance focus, emotions, and attitude to improve one's golf game... as well as the quality of life. Dr. Miller's clients come from sport, business, health care and the arts.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was a secret ingredient called L-O-V-E energy! Learning how to open up and use this L-O-V-E energy effectively is the magical key to manifesting success in your life. 

“Think of hate as fire and love as water. Just as you can’t successfully fight fire with fire, nor can you successfully fight hate with hate. It is the water of love that can extinguish the fire of hate – nothing else. Your prayers can be the fountain from which that water flows. This may sound like wishful thinking but it really is true – with experience you will discover this for yourself. But love is much more than a way to extinguish hate. It is a force for healing, inspiration and transmutation. Just as life as we know it on Earth could not exist without water, nothing in the universe could exist without love.” What is Love? - The Aetherius Society

Further study: Higher Awakening: Raise Your Consciousness to Manifest Success

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