PLANET X: What is it, where is it and why is it important?


In our Mysticast conversation with our friend and fellow truth seeking  podcaster Rex Bear (  we share notes on the mysterious Planet X

Cosmic Master Mars Sector 6 (Note 1) stated in a transmission called The Initiation Of Earth

These are the days of the old order. The New Order for you will be deeper Peace, greater Joy, conditions beyond your wild imaginings! Or- rebirth upon a younger World to relive the terrors of the history you  have made upon this Planet’

Rex has interviewed many people who have researched this subject and Rex showed his frustration with the mixed and tangled messages that he has grappled with over the years.

At one point in the interview in typical Rex Bear style he states “Jack what you say makes sense and I can get behind it - but where is the science to back it up?”  

I (Debra) believes that Rex will now be on his own mission to prove or otherwise that a Planet called X might be orbiting on the other side of the Sun. 

Gotta love that drive and persistence!


Further study:

The Cosmic Plan - Listen on Aetherius Cloud (

(Note 1) Mars Sector 6 is from a higher material plane of the planet Mars, as this name, or rather pseudonym, would suggest. He is the Master in charge of Satellite Number 3 which transmits special spiritual energies to Earth during a Spiritual Push, and is so advanced that he is now a Lord of Karma.

He speaks in a commanding and very definite tone through Dr. King, and has given some of the finest spiritual teachings ever given to Earth, probably most notably The Nine Freedoms  which explains the mysterious secrets of spiritual evolution.