Spirit Doctors II


Most spiritual healers work by channeling energy through themselves into  the patient. A few rare mediums can work directly with Spirit Doctors—doctors and surgeons on the other realms who use the medium as a conduit–to remove pain and restriction in minutes. Jeanette Wilson is one of these. Teacher Spirits also channel insight and teachings through Jeanette as she works.   

Jeanette's first TV series DARE TO BELIEVE aired on TV3 in New Zealand and on SKY REAL LIVES. Jeanette is the author of 4 books; Medium Rare,  Rare Moments, Dare to Believe and Backstage with Jeanette.

This channel showcases her healing work: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh-8D80H-ZlylnBQzQmkPyg/featured
For details of Jeanette's work, development workshops & touring schedule see www.jeanettewilson.com