Spiritual detoxing


Why do Spiritual Awakenings have to be so painful? NDEs, deaths, sickness, breakups, breakdowns... Amirah Hall has experienced them all. Her marriage crumbled and she was  heartbroken. Her Dad died and she developed an autoimmune illness. She  was in pain, all alone and too weak to crawl to the kitchen for a cup of  tea. She was angry, depressed and grieving from so much loss that she  could hardly drive without melting down. Then she was fired because she  became too sick to do her job. What else could go wrong? It was only  when she finally hit rockbottom that she awakened. After an near-death  experience in 1998 she studied with top intuitive/energy training  schools and teachers in the United States. Now Amirah is  an  internationally renowned clairvoyant energy healer, speaker and teacher,  Matrix Energetic Practioner, a Reiki Master and an ordained minister.  As well as is the executive producer and host of Lessons From THE LIGHT  Radio. Here is her story.
