Our Mysticast discussion is with Lisa Campion a professional psychic for over 20 years, who uses a combination of intuition, energy healing and therapeutic techniques to help people understand themselves at their soul level. 

Together we explored the need for constant practice in order to progress as a spiritual being looking for commonalities between Lisa’s experience and The Aetherius Society teachings.

“There comes a time in our psychic and spiritual development where we cannot move forward without having a consistent spiritual practice.

If you wanted to get physically fit, you would put your time into working out and it takes more than one workout to get you there. The same goes for working out your psychic abilities  Choosing a spiritual practice that resonates with you can be a challenging task, but it’s an important one. Your spiritual practice is meant to bring you closer to your higher self and help you connect with the divine, so it’s important to choose something that truly speaks to your soul”

Extract from Lisa’s Blog - The Importance of Spiritual Practice for Psychic, Healers and Empaths… 

This parallels the words of Ascended Master Saint GooLing spoken through Dr. King except Saint GooLing takes the message one step further explaining that spiritual advancement at the Soul level has only one goal - to serve mankind.

Dear students: You may all know this, that there are many, many paths to enlightenment. No one path can offer all truths. There is some truth to be found in all these ways. There are many ways, which specialize in giving to people certain powers of clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometrical powers and so on. But, when all these are boiled down, they mean very little.

You see, it is good to develop psychic faculties because the great discipline is to develop them so that you can reject their use, save in service for mankind – not for one man, not for family, not for self, but service to all men.


Ascended Master Saint GooLing

The Ascended Masters comprise what is known as the “Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth,” also known as the “Great White Brotherhood,

Ascended Masters & The Spiritual Hierarchy Of Earth (


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