The Master Jesus


Noémi Bates is a full Staff Member of The Aetherius Society – an international spiritual organisation founded by Dr George King in the mid-1950s – dedicated to spreading and acting upon the teachings of great masters such as Jesus.

Noémi is a keen believer in spiritual development and her inspiring and dynamic approach have made her a popular lecturer and workshop leader. She has been a healer – using the ‘King Technique’, taught to thousands of people around the world – for many years, and is passionate about helping others through healing and prayer. 

She has also been practising pranayama for many years – a system of breathing exercises devised by Dr King, which she demonstrates on Richard Lawrence’s Realise Your Inner Potential DVD together with other spiritual practices. Noémi is a Priest in The Aetherius Churches and takes Services at The Aetherius Temple in London and online. She is also one of the Art Directors of the Society’s journal Cosmic Voice.