WHAT IS THIS THING CALLED FEAR? And how we can transmute it?


In our Mysticast conversation with Nicholas Corrin (www.fridayharborholistichealth.com) we explore the phenomenon of FEAR and discuss ways to negate its effects through understanding and using techniques that reconnect all our bodies which makes them run effectively.

Dr. Corrin combines profound insights from Eastern and Western philosophy with advanced scientific research. He explores the hidden reasons why you may not be in full health, and how to regain your authentic self. His methods allow for successful treatment of chronic disease by simultaneously addressing multiple layers and perspectives. Dr. Corrin’s systems based approach aims to re-establish coherent signaling within the body.

The biggest parallel between Dr. Corrin;s work and the teachings given to us by and through  Dr George King: Master Of Yoga & Founder Of The Aetherius Society was the fact that we have many bodies (layers of mind) and when these are not maintained correctly they break and lose connectivity. The good news is that these can be restored/repaired. The importance of being of service to each other is a key aspect of overcoming FEAR with Bravery.

In The Nine Freedoms - The Aetherius Society we are told - Bravery requires that we recognize our own inner voice of truth and act upon this. Fear holds us back – it prevents us from becoming the people we were meant to be. The key to freeing ourselves from fear is – knowledge, since “knowledge of the right kind dispels fear.” 

Mars Sector 6 Cosmic Masters and Transmissions - The Aetherius Society tells us that if we have the right kind of knowledge, we can change our mental outlook – from one of fear – to one of fearlessness. He also tells us we can combat fear by improving our karmic pattern, through Service, and rising above the challenges and circumstances of our current environment.

Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Mars Sector 6 is from a higher material plane of the planet Mars, as this name, or rather pseudonym, would suggest. He is the Master in charge of Satellite Number 3 which transmits special spiritual energies to Earth during a Spiritual Push, and is so advanced that he is now a Lord of Karma.

He speaks in a commanding and very definite tone through Dr. King, and has given some of the finest spiritual teachings ever given to Earth, probably most notably – The Nine Freedoms, which explains the mysterious secrets of spiritual evolution.


Further study

Man's Mind - Listen on Aetherius Cloud


- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - https://www.aetherius.org/ Aetherius Radio Live - https://www.aetherius.org/podcasts/ Spiritual Freedom Show - https://www.aetherius.org/the-spiritual-freedom-show/ King Yoga FB Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/awakeningthroughkingyoga The International Mystic Knowledge Center - http://www.mysticknowledge.org/ IMKC youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/MysticKnowledge