Ayub Malik on Pranayama

Ayub Malik is a Spiritual pioneer and Expansion Committee member of the international spiritual organisation called The Aetherius Society – a group which has a unique and very active role in the Divine Plan for the enlightenment and salvation of humanity that is gradually unfolding.  He was born into a large traditional muslim family in England, and is based in London, United Kingdom.  

He has a life long natural love for yoga, deep conversations with like-minded souls interested in personal and spiritual development, running and connecting with Mother Earth through trips to the forests, mountains, seas,  Whilst in his teens, Ayub had a life-changing experience which enabled him to acquire a deeper insight and feel for the practical benefits of oneness through King Yoga, which was founded by The Aetherius Society as a revolutionary pathway back to the oneness that is God.  He attained a level of realisation that all of life is one – expressing itself in countless trillions of forms on this world and beyond. Why? In order to learn and gain mastery over matter and experience and to gradually shed the perceived and accepted limitations that block the realisation of Oneness. 

For almost 20 years Ayub has been sharing the positive and practical life-changing results that are available to people through King Yoga workshops, talks, videos, spiritual healing on an individual, group and global level – this in addition to contributing to and promoting the more important world saving missions of The Aetherius Society.  He is directly involved with various Aetherius Society run Spiritual missions that are uniquely designed to help stop or reduce earthquakes, and other natural disasters, by working directly with strategic chakras of Mother Earth and advanced Spiritual masters from other worlds. Some of these missions can even stop or reduce the effects of war and bring mass healing and support to targeted world situations. www.aetherius.org


Lyrics to the song that was inspired by the interview:


Waking up feeling rushed 
Stupid mind need to shut up 
Seeing stress in my day 
I can't get a hold 

Assume the position on the floor 
Left nostril breathing in 
Right nostril breathing out 
There you go 

Pranayama - restraint of the breath 
Pranayama - controlling the course 
Of my life force 

Taking control by letting go 
Ease my racing mind 
Ground my soaring soul 
Settle down 

Cross-legged on the floor 
Balanced Ida and Pingala 
Slowing down powers up 
It's systems go 

Pranayama - restraint of the breath 
Pranayama - controlling the course 
Of my life force 

Oh Pranayama 